भारत सरकार

Government of India

वित्त मत्रांलय

Ministry of Finance

Centenary Year of Kaivalyadhama (Denomination of `100) (UNC) – Folder Packing – FGCO001440

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Availability: 52 in stock

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Kaivalyadhama was founded in the year 1924 by Rev Swami Kuvalyanand ji . For the first ever time, scientific research in Yoga were carried out by the founder to demystify Yoga and to make it accessible to common man.

This century witnessed its First Scientific Research Journal in Yoga – Yoga Mimamsa published in 1924, First college of Yoga – the Gordandas Seksaria College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis in 1951, First Hospital of Yoga – the Srimati Amolakdevi Tirathram Gupta Yogic Hospital 1961, here at Kaivalyadhama. A centre at Marine Drive, Mumbai was established in 1936, in Rajkot in 1950’s , at Bhopal in 1991 .

In its rich history, Kaivalyadhama finds its mention in the Constitutional Discussion in the year 1949 in the Constituent Assembly of India.  In 1962 the Government of India declared it as an All India Institute of Higher Learning in Yoga. In the year 1986 it was declared as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization by the Government of India. In the year 2004 the Government of Maharashtra entitled all its employees for on duty leave to enable them undertake workshops at Kaivalyadhama. In the year 2008 the Ministry of Finance, Government of India recognized Kaivalyadhama under Sec 80 GGA enabling 100 % exemption to donors for contribution to the institute. In the year 2015 Kaivalyadhama was closely involved in formation of the draft for the Common Yoga Protocol by the Government of India. In the year 2019 the G.S.College was recognized as Research Centre to offer PhD programs under KKSU. On August 30th 2019 , a Commemorative stamp of the founder Swami Kuvalyanand ji was released at the hands of Hon’ble Prime Minister. In 2019, Kaivalyadhama was also recognized as a Leading Yoga Institute by the Yoga Certification Board, Ministry of AYUSH.

Past century has witnessed major efforts towards scientific research by the institute resulting in setting a benchmark of evidence as to fundamental principles and application of Yoga. We have seen more than 250 publications in scientific journals. The philosophico literary research has produced more than 150 publications, both popular and critical translation of the manuscripts. The college has enabled experiential learning of students in undiluted tradition of Yoga. The Health Care Centre has served thousands of individuals to develop holistic health and wellness. The Kaivalya Vidya Niketan, a CBSE school takes care of 850 local students and provides quality education with holistic development. Yoga and Up-yoga have been very fundamental consideration in the institute, and hence, synthesis with nature has been a very important consideration.

Eminent individuals associated with independence movement have been associated with the institute right from the inception. Mahatma Gandhi ji , Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya , Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, Shri.J.R.D.Tata, Pandit Motilal Nehru, Shri.M.C.Setalvad, Shri.B.G.Kher  and many more. They were instrumental in strengthening the foundation of the work of Swami ji

Spread over 170 acres at Lonavala amidst the Sahyadri Ranges, Kaivalyadhama continues with its vision of “The coordination of the spiritual phenomena of Yoga with modern science with a view to evolve a Philosophy what would, perhaps satisfy the majority of mankind”

Denomination of Coin Shape and outside diameter Standard Weight Metal composition
One Hundred Rupees Only

1.       CIRCULAR

2.       DIAMETER – 44mm

3.       SERRATIONS – 200

35.00 gms Quaternary Alloy

Silver- 50 %, Copper – 40 %,

Nickel- 05 % and Zinc- 05 %